Sunday, April 4, 2010

April 5-October 5, 2010

I have struggled with my weight my entire life. Now is the time to change it....I just don't know how!!! I need to get healthier for me, for my husband, for my children. Although I doubt anyone will read this, I'm hoping to have some history, some plans, and some accountability. For these reasons, I'm starting this blog today, the day before my 34th birthday. I am setting a goal to lose 34 pounds the first half of my 34th year. I realize this won't take me to my "ideal" weight, but it's my first step to get closer. I want real food and real exercise. Not fads or gimmicks or formulas.
How will I do this? I'm not quite sure yet. I'm hoping to find the ambition and dedication that I'm feeling just glimmering beneath the surface.